A pressure washer hose repair requires the operator to turn off the power washer, release all water from the unit and the hose, find the location of the leak, cut the hose, and remove the hole. The two hoses that will result from this procedure will require a new coupler that has a male and a female part. These pressure washer fittings need to be attached to the parts where the hose has been cut. After connecting the two, the operator has to test if the procedure has been done correctly by running the pressure washer with the hose attached, for about 3 minutes. All these steps are discussed in detail below.
Materials Needed to Repair a Pressure Washer Hose
Sharp cutter
- New coupler
Step1. Turn the Pressure Washer Off.
Repairing a pressure washer hose should be performed as soon as a leak is noticed. Before doing so, it is essential for the power washer to be turned off. While operating an electric pressure washer, make sure to unplug it before any maneuver is performed to eliminate the risk of severe injury. If a gas pressure washer is used, make sure that the engine is turned off completely.
Step 2. Release All Remaining Water from the Pressure Washer.
After the pressure washer has been turned off, the trigger gun needs to be pressed until there is no water coming out of the cleaning unit. This step is required because repairing a hose is more difficult while there is water inside and the seal will not be done efficiently.
Step 3. Locate the Leak.
Repairing a hose can be done correctly only after identifying the problem, as there are several causes for a leak. Inspecting the entire pressure washer, as well as the hose, is essential and should start with the most important parts.
Leaks Due to the Pressure Washer’s Inlet Seal.
The inlet seal of a pressure washer is present inside a coupling that needs to be tightly attached to the hose. If the coupling is not connected correctly, then the hose will leak. The inlet seal is wearable and, in time, it can deteriorate and will not do its job as it should. If this is not the case, the leaks could be caused by a damaged coupling.
Leaks Due to the Pressure Washer’s Outlet Seal
The outlet seal of a power washer is meant to secure the coupler situated where water under pressure is transferred from the unit to the high-pressure hose. When the connection of the pressure washer hose is compromised, leaks can occur. This can happen due to a broken outlet seal or to a damaged coupler. Fixing a pressure washer hose, in this case, can be done by replacing the o-ring or by replacing the coupler.
Leaks Due to the Pressure Washer Pump’s Piston Seals
A power washer lacking pressure is often not the case of a leak from a broken hose. The cause, in this situation, is often a leak inside the pump which might occur due to damaged piston seals. Replacing the piston seals is an option to solve this problem. Make sure to contact a professional if it is instructed in the pressure washer manual.
Leaks Due to the Pressure Washer’s Thermal Release Valve
The role of the thermal release valve is to release water from inside the pressure washer pump when the water present inside the system reaches temperatures above a certain level. This feature is designed to protect the unit from damage. When there is a problem with this pressure washer part, leaks might occur and the operator will need to change it.
Leaks Due to a Hole in the Pressure Washer Hose
If none of the components discussed above is the problem, the leak is coming from the hose. An inspection is needed to determine where the hole is situated. Mark the spot with a tape or a permanent marker and do not stop here. Several holes might be present. Stop only after inspecting the entire length of the high-pressure hose.
Step 4. Cut the Pressure Washer Hose to Remove the Hole.
After determining that a hole is present in the pressure washer hose, section the hose with a sharp cutter and cut out the part that is broken. Make sure to deliver straight cuts in order for the coupling that needs to be added to fit perfectly. Depending on the quality of the high-pressure hose, cutting it can be easy or hard. Some hoses are made of sturdy materials and have aluminum wire braided layers that make them more resistant to pressure.
Step 5. Choose an Appropriate Coupling for the Pressure Washer Hose.
After cutting the hose and removing the hole, there remain two hoses that need to be connected to one another using a coupler. This step requires the operator to determine the size of the coupler needed by measuring the wideness of the hose. Most hoses are equipped with M22 threads. These threads have a diameter of 22 millimeters, that’s why they are called M22. Don’t skip the measuring part to make sure that the new coupler fits.
Step 6. Connect the Fittings to the Pressure Washer Hose.
A coupler has two parts, a male and a female part. Each of these parts needs to be connected to a different hose. Attach the clamps to each resulting hose’s end where the cut has been made for both parts. Connect the male part to one of them and the female part of the coupling to the other. Make sure that these items are tightly secured to avoid future leaks.
Step 7. Pair the Male and Female Fittings Together.
After installing the couple male and female parts, connect the two fittings together and tighten them using a wrench to make sure that they are secure. Securing the high-pressure hoses original couplers is highly recommended as it will make the hose work properly for a long period after repairing it.
Step 8. Test the Repaired Pressure Washer Hose
After the previous steps have been performed, connect the hose to the pressure washer and turn on the unit. Press the trigger of the gun and hold it for 2 or 3 minutes to make sure that there are no more leaks.